Neue Hausnummern bedeuten Kommunismus!
Reuben Rose-Redwoods Artikel (vgl.) berichtet auch von Ida Starks, Einwohnerin von Marion County, die in einem 2007 verfassten Leserinnenbrief ob der ihrem Haus angedrohten neuen Hausnummer gar die Ankunft des Kommunismus dräuen sah:
What about our history? This house number means something to me and my family. Itmeans stability, history of both family and community. It means that my work through the years has established my family. Have we become so communist that ownership means nothing? What will they dictate to us next? ... I cannot accept this imposition of my rights. Surely someone knows how to fix 911 without taking away a citizens history and security.
In einem 2008 von Rose-Redwood geführten Interview präzisierte sie:
if the address changed, the house changed, the whole home changes. It’s not my home anymore. ... I don’t want to change my number. Do you tell me I’ll just have to change my number because you want it changed? There’s nothing wrong with my number. ... What I felt was my security was being taken away is because you’re telling me that I have no say. That’s my security. I have no say in my own property. I have no say in my own home. If you can tell me that I have to change my address and I don’t have any say about it, I feel that my security - well, what else can you take from me and I have no say about? ... I don’t know what they can do about it but I’m not going to change it.
Rose-Redwood, Reuben: With Numbers in Place: Security, Territory, and the Production of Calculable Space, in: Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 102.2012, S. 295-319.
What about our history? This house number means something to me and my family. Itmeans stability, history of both family and community. It means that my work through the years has established my family. Have we become so communist that ownership means nothing? What will they dictate to us next? ... I cannot accept this imposition of my rights. Surely someone knows how to fix 911 without taking away a citizens history and security.
In einem 2008 von Rose-Redwood geführten Interview präzisierte sie:
if the address changed, the house changed, the whole home changes. It’s not my home anymore. ... I don’t want to change my number. Do you tell me I’ll just have to change my number because you want it changed? There’s nothing wrong with my number. ... What I felt was my security was being taken away is because you’re telling me that I have no say. That’s my security. I have no say in my own property. I have no say in my own home. If you can tell me that I have to change my address and I don’t have any say about it, I feel that my security - well, what else can you take from me and I have no say about? ... I don’t know what they can do about it but I’m not going to change it.
Rose-Redwood, Reuben: With Numbers in Place: Security, Territory, and the Production of Calculable Space, in: Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 102.2012, S. 295-319.
adresscomptoir -
Hausnummerierung - Di, 3. Apr. 2012, 09:42